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Why Study Sports Law

3 years ago
Why Study Sports Law

Worldwide the sports market is extremely valued and internationally many people are involved, estimated to be roughly $488.5 billion and by this year it is valued at over $600 billion. Sports lawyers come into play by ensuring the system of checks and regulations to ensure that fans, players and clubs do not get exploited. 

What do sports lawyers do?

Sports lawyers represent the legal interests of their clients. The clientele can include individual athletes, players, teams and coaching staff. High level sport equates to a high pressure environment, where typically the smallest margins can make a huge difference. 

Keep your eye on the prize! The main priority of a sports lawyer is to make sure that these individuals are given a good deal. For example, they help secure and negotiate contracts, sponsorship deals, mediate any disputes that these individuals might have and fight their corners. In certain cases, sports lawyers will represent their clients in court due to criminal charges, breach of contracts and help them navigate the modern media etc. An aspect that most people forget about in this sector is NGOs and charities. Sports lawyers play a huge role in working with sports athletes/stars to set up foundations or give to charities.  Great examples of these foundations are the LeBron James Family Foundation, the Brees Dream Foundation, the Michael Phelps Foundation to name but a few. These foundations could not have been set up without sports lawyers.

Becoming a Sports Lawyer

So you have got your law degree and are thinking about becoming a sports lawyer but how do you do it? The first step is experience. Don’t worry it doesn’t have to be directly in sports law. However, a period of time working in litigation, employment law or commercial law is a great start and can really boost your portfolio. By doing this you will start not only gaining more experience but also building a network with strong connections and ultimately a name for yourself. After this it shouldn’t long before an opportunity presents itself.

However, if you are looking to enter the sector quickly you should absolutely reach out to sports law organizations, firms and agents. This can be a tricky step as you have to strike the right balance of interest with professionalism. Now is the time to get yourself in the head space so start reading best sellers regarding sports law. Build your brand, network and knowledge on this profession.

If you have any questions regarding our International Master of Sport Law check out our masters programs on the website for more details or contact us directly.

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