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In autumn 2023 SSBM Geneva will be offering a master’s degree in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights on our Geneva Campus!

2 years ago

This Program reflects our understanding that any practitioner of Humanitarian Law should have a solid understanding of both academic and practical knowledge of this unique and fascinating Field of Law. The Program offers a combination of academic and practical knowledge of the qualities of worldwide known practitioners in the field of Humanitarian and Human Rights Law. The professors who will be guiding students throughout the program are committed to sharing their knowledge and expertise.

Overall, the Master in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights is composed of 14 core courses that will be taught by leading experts from over 20 industries and business partners.

For more information about the program and to download the brochure please click HERE.

In autumn 2023 SSBM Geneva will be offering a master’s degree in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights on our Geneva Campus!

This Program reflects our understanding that any practitioner of Humanitarian Law should have a solid understanding of both academic and practical knowledge of this unique and fascinating Field of Law. The Program offers a combination of academic and practical knowledge of the qualities of worldwide known practitioners in the field of Humanitarian and Human Rights Law. The professors who will be guiding students throughout the program are committed to sharing their knowledge and expertise.

Overall, the Master in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights is composed of 14 core courses that will be taught by leading experts from over 20 industries and business partners.

For more information about the program and to download the brochure please click HERE.


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