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Scholarships @ Geneva Campus

2 years ago

We are thrilled to announce that 10 scholarships are now available exclusively for our Geneva campus!

Apply now for a chance to be one of the lucky recipients of these life-changing scholarships. The application deadline is July 15th, 2023. We are offering a total of 10 scholarships across our Bachelor and Master/MBA programs. We are offering:

For Bachelor Program:

1 Full Scholarship with 100% tuition fee reduction
2 scholarships with 50% tuition fee reduction
2 scholarships with 30% tuition fee reduction

For Master/MBA Program:

1 Full Scholarship with 100% tuition fee reduction
2 scholarships with 50% tuition fee reduction
2 scholarships with 30% tuition fee reduction

To apply, simply complete the registration process and submit a compelling motivational letter to by July 15th, 2023. Let your passion and dedication shine through as you explain why you are the ideal candidate for a full or partial scholarship.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to turn your dreams into reality at SSBM Geneva!

👇 Click on the button to apply: 👇

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