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Exploring Leadership: Insights from Dr. Minja Bolesnikov’s Lecture at SSBM Geneva!

10 months ago
I as a Leader MBA SSBM GenevaI as a Leader MBA SSBM Geneva

Recently, MBA students at SSBM’s Zagreb Instructional Site enjoyed a thought-provoking course titled “I as a Leader,” led by Dr. Minja Bolesnikov. As VP of International Affairs at SSBM and a respected academic, Dr. Bolesnikov brings both expertise and practical wisdom to the classroom.

The lecture focuses on something often overlooked in leadership: the self. Dr. Bolesnikov guides students to explore who they are as leaders and who they want to become. The goal is to empower students to lead authentically and make a positive impact.

I as a Leader MBA SSBM

In a supportive learning environment, Dr. Bolesnikov fosters open dialogue and collaboration. Students leave the lecture with a clearer understanding of their leadership potential and a renewed sense of purpose.

Thanks to Dr. Bolesnikov’s guidance, SSBM students are equipped to embark on their leadership journeys with confidence and purpose.

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