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DBA Milestones

DBA Milestones

Dear Student

In the below table you have a proposed structured way in writing your Thesis.

The dates are indicative and based on the start date of April 1st

Milestones Dates
Determine interests & select tentative topic 10.04.2021
Articulate tentative research question(s) 15.04.2021
Go to and Conduct preliminary literature review 20.04.2021
Complete course Research Methdology I 30.04.2021
Start Writing concept paper 15.05.2021
Send  concept brief to your Mentor 20.05.2021
Refine research question(s) 31.05.2021
Define clear, appropriate, testable hypotheses or solid objectives 31.05.2021
Define clear contribution to practice 31.05.2021
Get approval from Mentor for the Assignment #1: Research Concept Paper 15.06.2021
Refine research question(s), hypotheses, & objectives 01.07.2021
Define clear boundaries for each literature review area 01.07.2021
Read sufficient & important sources for each lit review area 15.07.2021
Conduct insightful critique & analysis for each lit review area 20.07.2021
Explore literature on data collection and analysis methods that will be used 30.07.2021
Evaluate, analyze, & integrate highly relevant literature 30.07.2021
Submit to Mentor Assignment #2: Literature Review 01.09.2021
Get approval from Mentor for the Assignment #2: Literature Review 01.10.2021
Follow Research Proposal template and combine output from RM1 and RM2 01.11.2021
Write Research Proposal 01.12.2021
Gain approval for research proposal 31.12.2021
Start writing Thesis & Write & submit Chapter 1,2 01.02.2022
Write & submit Chapter 3 01.06.2022
Revise chapters; allow for several revisions 01.09.2022
Gain approvals/make arrangements to collect data 01.11.2022
Pilot instrument/data collection and revise instrument and procedures 01.11.2022
Start data collection 01.11.2022
Complete data collection 31.12.2022
Analyze data 01.01.2023
Complete chapters 4 and 5 and finish writing 01.03.2023
Complete DBA Thesis 10.04.2023
Conduct dissertation defense 31.04.2023


340805 points