Dear Student
In the below table you have a proposed structured way in writing your Thesis.
The dates are indicative and based on the start date of April 1st
Milestones | Dates |
Determine interests & select tentative topic | 10.04.2021 |
Articulate tentative research question(s) | 15.04.2021 |
Go to and Conduct preliminary literature review | 20.04.2021 |
Complete course Research Methdology I | 30.04.2021 |
Start Writing concept paper | 15.05.2021 |
Send concept brief to your Mentor | 20.05.2021 |
Refine research question(s) | 31.05.2021 |
Define clear, appropriate, testable hypotheses or solid objectives | 31.05.2021 |
Define clear contribution to practice | 31.05.2021 |
Get approval from Mentor for the Assignment #1: Research Concept Paper | 15.06.2021 |
Refine research question(s), hypotheses, & objectives | 01.07.2021 |
Define clear boundaries for each literature review area | 01.07.2021 |
Read sufficient & important sources for each lit review area | 15.07.2021 |
Conduct insightful critique & analysis for each lit review area | 20.07.2021 |
Explore literature on data collection and analysis methods that will be used | 30.07.2021 |
Evaluate, analyze, & integrate highly relevant literature | 30.07.2021 |
Submit to Mentor Assignment #2: Literature Review | 01.09.2021 |
Get approval from Mentor for the Assignment #2: Literature Review | 01.10.2021 |
Follow Research Proposal template and combine output from RM1 and RM2 | 01.11.2021 |
Write Research Proposal | 01.12.2021 |
Gain approval for research proposal | 31.12.2021 |
Start writing Thesis & Write & submit Chapter 1,2 | 01.02.2022 |
Write & submit Chapter 3 | 01.06.2022 |
Revise chapters; allow for several revisions | 01.09.2022 |
Gain approvals/make arrangements to collect data | 01.11.2022 |
Pilot instrument/data collection and revise instrument and procedures | 01.11.2022 |
Start data collection | 01.11.2022 |
Complete data collection | 31.12.2022 |
Analyze data | 01.01.2023 |
Complete chapters 4 and 5 and finish writing | 01.03.2023 |
Complete DBA Thesis | 10.04.2023 |
Conduct dissertation defense | 31.04.2023 |