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Wondering about a Higher Certificate in Business Management?

5 years ago
Higher Certificate in Business Management

A Higher Certificate in Business Management is the perfect base for preparing yourself to work in the competitive business environment. It will introduce you to typical business subject areas such as project management, financial management, marketing and business strategy. The Higher Certificate will allow you to develop the essential skills needed for any business such as, effective problem solving, critical thinking, team work and effective communication.

Industry-Based Courses

The main focus is on learning how to implement the acquired skills to your workplace and improve your performance. A Higher Certificate offers courses that are mainly industry-based and will teach you how to apply your knowledge to the industry you work in. Most importantly, a Higher Certificate will allow you to build on your education.

Higher Certificate Program at SSBM

Swiss School of Business and Management (SSBM) offers certificate courses that were designed in partnership with various companies and the unique teaching and learning approaches will motivate and engage you in order to leverage your professional development and enhance your career.

Click HERE to check more information and APPLY to our Higher Certificate in Business Management.

464114 points