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Visit of Standard and Poor’s Rating Agency in Washington DC, USA prof dr. Dario Silic

2 years ago

Through regular visits of main market actors, investors, markets and regulators, SSBM Geneva wants to bring the real corporate and financial world to its students. As part of the MBA course, Financial Management, SSBM Geneva prof. dr. Dario Silic visited the rating agency Standard and Poor’s (S&P) in Washington DC, USA. SSBM professors use real data, namely corporate and state ratings based on spreads from S&P rating agency to analyze the cost of financing, the corporate and financial risks of companies or states resulting from ratings and to teach SSBM students how to measure the risk of stocks, dividend returns, stocks yields, bonds yields and company valuations. S&P is one of the world biggest rating agencies, whose ratings and spreads are regularly used by prof. Dario Silic during lectures related to stocks and bonds valuations in Finance courses on Executive, Global and Finance MBA at SSBM Geneva.

S&P agency in Washington DC is in charge of delivering financial information and analytics through S&P Global Ratings, S&P Global Market Intelligence, S&P Global Mobility, S&P Global Engineering Solutions, S&P Global Sustainability, and S&P Global Commodity Insights.

S&P Global Ratings provides independent investment research including ratings on various investment instruments. Also, S&P 500 is one of the most used index for global market benchmark used by investors, SSBM faculty and its students in company valuations and corporate risk measurements in corporate finance or financial management courses on Bachelor, MBA and DBA levels at SSBM Geneva.

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