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Navigating the Path to Sustainable Excellence: Lessons from Guest Lecturers at SSBM Geneva

1 year ago
Guest lecturer on SSBM GenevaGuest lecturer on SSBM Geneva

On Tuesday, the Swiss School of Business and Management Geneva hosted an enlightening occasion as we welcomed two esteemed speakers as part of our Sustainability Management course.

Guest lecturer on SSBM Geneva

Firstly, Kristen Petillon, representing Kube Energy, captivated our audience with his discourse on “Leading business for a sustainable impact: The case of the Baidoa solar power plant in Somalia.” Drawing from his extensive background with the United Nations and in international law, Kristen underscored the significance of private sector engagement in fostering sustainable development, particularly in fragile contexts.

Following Kristen’s compelling presentation, Elise Moret from Environmental Resources Management (ERM), Bern, took the stage to discuss “From developing a sustainability strategy to embedding it into all business activities.” Leveraging her expertise in climate economics, Elise provided practical insights into the intricacies of business decarbonization and the seamless integration of sustainability strategies into core business operations.

We are immensely grateful to Kristen Petillon and Elise Moret for sharing their invaluable perspectives with us!

Join us in celebrating these enriching experiences and the ongoing commitment of SSBM Geneva to empower future leaders in sustainability management.

Sustainability at SSBM Geneva

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