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Geneva Airport Welcomes SSBM Students for Insightful Industrial Visit!

7 months ago
Geneva airport SSBM visitGeneva airport SSBM visit

Embarking on an unforgettable journey of learning and discovery, our students recently had the privilege to delve into the realm of sustainability during an exclusive industrial visit to Geneva Airport. This enlightening excursion was organised as part of the SSBM Sustainable Management Course by Professor Barbora Bruant Gulejova, with the aim to complement and integrate the knowledge acquired during the courses into the real-life experience with a rare glimpse into the innovative sustainability practices and novel technologies at one of the world’s leading airports, and important Swiss sustainability actors.  

The Head of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Geneva Airport, Nathalie Rossier-Iten enabled students to grasp the complexity of the sustainability management needed at such multifaceted and large infrastructure.  

Through engaging discussions and firsthand observations, our students explored the pivotal role that sustainability plays in the aviation industry, uncovering the intricate balance between operational efficiency and environmental stewardship. The visit illuminated the various sustainable initiatives implemented at Geneva Airport, from energy conservation, noise reduction and waste management to green transportation and biodiversity preservation, but also the insights into the compliance with carbon footprint and other sustainability regulations.

We extend our deepest gratitude to Geneva Airport and Nathalie Rossier-Iten for welcoming us and sharing their visionary approach to sustainability and to Professor Barbora Bruant Gulejova for including this visit to SSBM Sustainability Management course. It has not only enriched our students’ academic journey but also instilled in them a deeper appreciation for the importance of sustainable practices in shaping a greener future.

Stay tuned for more insights and reflections from our students, including a special segment where they share their main takeaways and how these lessons will influence their future endeavours. Join us in celebrating this milestone in our quest for knowledge and a sustainable world.

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