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SSBM Geneva Launches the International Master in Sports Law

3 years ago

SSBM Geneva introduces the International Master in Sports Law in partnership with REX Sport.

The Rex Sport Association is an association with academic purposes, founded in February 2002 and located in Barcelona, Spain. Its aims are, on one side to assembly under a common umbrella the major specialists working in the field of sport, and on the other, to give to the same specialists the opportunity to obtain an adequate recognition and publicity through the channel of the worldwide network.

Our International Master in Sports Law will help you develop your professional career in the field of international sports law.  Through our international faculty the programme will furnish you with the needed professional tools and will advance your knowledge of sports law in all of its aspects, including the worldwide structure and organization of sports, the interaction between sports law and other fields of law, the rules and regulations governing the sport industry, the dispute resolution mechanisms in the international context and many others.

With the wide sense of sporting rules and dispute resolution jurisprudence, as well as the interdisciplinary topics of sport governance and sport finance being its vital part, we believe that Sports Law is a never stopping game. The fact that you are learning makes you one of its players and by completing this program you will be perfectly equipped with the best gear to immediately enter the field (or the pitch) of the Sports Law game.

For further information click here.


  1. Dr.Ahmed

    Day after day SSBM Geneva prove and actually affirm it’s consistent intention on being one of the top innovative academic institution. By introducing new programmes and partnering with leaders in the world of academia , SSMB sets an example for others.

  2. Kavitha Mangalampalli

    Dr.Ahmed, while i agree with you on the fact that SSBM is innovativein introducing new programmes and partnering with leaders in the world of academia. They also have the immersion programs and good framework, where the research is divided into doable chunks and converts into a meaningful outcome as it is meant to be. The mentors are very dynamic and ensure that the application of research is followed through.
    This is very motivating. My mentor Velimir Srica has been a pillar of strength to all his mentees and ensures high quality thesis submissions. Follows through applicability of the same with the mentee. This is a big source of strength to any student.

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