Most working professionals start thinking about advancing their career and academic knowledge after 5-6 years after working. Typically, individuals in the business field think of advancing their career and opportunities by investing in themselves through an MBA degree. However, this can sometimes be a challenging decision and thought. Many people might feel apprehensive, how will they juggle work and academic studies or should they pause their lives to study.
That is why an online approach to studying is a great option! There are a lot of universities offering MBA programs but finding the right fit can be daunting and a challenge. Here are five factors you should consider in order to make the best choice for you.
It must be noted that all university degrees are accredited but online degrees are also accredited by external organisations. The Swiss School of Business and Management is accredited by the following:
ACBSP – Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs is a leading specialized accreditation body for business education and considered to be one of the best accreditations for business schools. Its mission is to promote continuous improvement and recognize teaching excellence in the accreditation of business education programs throughout the world. ACBSP accredits business, accounting, and business-related programs at the associate, baccalaureate, master, and doctorate degree levels. ACBSP is recognised by the CHEA – Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
CHEA – Council for Higher Education is a United States organization of degree-granting colleges and universities. ACBSP is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) in 2001 and again in 2011, ACBSP was the first accreditor to offer specialized business accreditation at all degree levels.
EDUQUA – Swiss quality label for further education institutions (EduQua)
IACBE – SSBM Geneva has been awarded the Candidate for Accreditation status in December 2021 by the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE).
Whether it be in person or online, when you are studying for an MBA degree you want to be taught by faculty that has great experience in the corporate world and that they can bring in their own experience and real life examples to the course. We at SSBM Geneva pride ourselves on our faculty who are leaders, innovators and highly sought-after business individuals.
One might think of no interaction when it comes to the online classroom or online lectures but this is now a thing of the past. Online learning is much more interactive than you would imagine. From prerecorded lectures to live online classes, both can allow for great discussions and strides to be made. We at SSBM Geneva offer a combination of learning methods whether it be our online programs, blended programs or strictly in person programs.
Check out the universities learning platform to see if it works for you. The platform should be very use friendly and allow you to not only follow the programme but also use the same platform to interact with your classmates, and your professors/lecturers.
Investing in yourself and your academic journey is an investment in your future. This means that you must carefully plan most aspects particularly finance.
It is a great idea to inform your work or manager about your decision to study online as there are many loan options, and in many cases, employers want to support and fund their employee development. Additionally, many universities offer financial aid as well as scholarships to students who apply on time, with a relevant background, impressive CV and motivational letter.
For more information about our programs and the support we offer. Please contact us at
I am very proud to be the part of SSBM!
welcome Veronika
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Just enrolled and I am looking forward to the journey.
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